Even if you get the system to function properly, what would you use it for since there are no maps for Bulgaria and/or Romania. It is highly unlikely that maps for these countries will be available
As JW has pointed out we are not interested in the information on the labels but we would like to know the HW version which can be read from the LCD in the radio
The SW CD has all the languages available, not only English
Need a help with Philips RC959 + Carin navigation system
- Senior Member
- Berichten: 13447
- Lid geworden op: 03 okt 2004 17:14
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-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
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- Starting Member
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- Lid geworden op: 26 okt 2008 19:11
Gerritje,Gerritje schreef:Even if you get the system to function properly, what would you use it for since there are no maps for Bulgaria and/or Romania. It is highly unlikely that maps for these countries will be available
As JW has pointed out we are not interested in the information on the labels but we would like to know the HW version which can be read from the LCD in the radio
The SW CD has all the languages available, not only English
check this http://www.navigation.com/is-bin/INTERS ... =OfferList
Why do you think that I am living and spending my holidays and vacations only in Bulgaria?
As I wrote down if you readed it I can't reach this submenu with the requested information about HW.
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- Senior Member
- Berichten: 13447
- Lid geworden op: 03 okt 2004 17:14
Yes you are right.
I was checking the coverage with the previous edition of the Navteq CD's even though I have the 2008-2 edition available.
I was checking the coverage with the previous edition of the Navteq CD's even though I have the 2008-2 edition available.

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-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
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- Berichten: 14088
- Lid geworden op: 01 sep 2003 21:19
As such that could be the proper way, enabling you to use the latest Maps.kbros76 schreef: ...you were right about disconnection. I disconnect the radio and nav. unit- as soon as I made it, I had possibility to change the language on English and after switching off the language remains unchanged. Now we solve the problem with the language but withouth having nav. system. Do you think if I could find SW 2.3 / but English version/ I could use the latest version of the maps?
Also, I removed from the car nav. unit to find some data about HW but nothing. The only data on it is that I've allready sent to you.
About cabling, I didn't have time to see if it is ok. But if it isn't how could I load the SW?
Do you have SW 2.3?
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria - the nearest dealer of Daytona is in Romania
However, I have my great doubts on the computer itself. The simple reason for that is that you cannot enter into its menue, which indicates your computer is corrupted for one reason or another.
And that most likely implicates that you cannot load the new Firmware/software 2.3, since the CD's with 1.7 and 2.0 are refused as well, as I understand. That's correct?
Of course, you can give it a try, for that please pass on your FTP Data to me via a PM, then we can see how we can help you.
RT4-HDD in Citroën C5 Break V6 Exclusive
Voorheen: MS 5500 met 'franse' MT 5010/01-VT en MA 1410 splitter
Vragen & antwoorden svp via het forum, niet per Prive-Bericht of E-Mail.
Voorheen: MS 5500 met 'franse' MT 5010/01-VT en MA 1410 splitter
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- Starting Member
- Berichten: 15
- Lid geworden op: 26 okt 2008 19:11
JW & Gerritje,
I think it was my final attempt at running the nav. sysytem. The result: finaly I could run the SW ver. 2.3 / thanks to Gerritje /, I loaded it- during the loading of SW I saw that it was writen: language version GERMAN. After the reboot of the system the language remains German. I can't change it to English when nav. sysytem is conneted like with the previous SW versions. I've got some problems with the coping of the maps but I'll solve it. I think that the problem isn't with the maps. Maybe the problem is with the device in front of the nav. system / it means ME /.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help. I am glad to have such a good conversation with you guyes. I wish you all the best.
I think it was my final attempt at running the nav. sysytem. The result: finaly I could run the SW ver. 2.3 / thanks to Gerritje /, I loaded it- during the loading of SW I saw that it was writen: language version GERMAN. After the reboot of the system the language remains German. I can't change it to English when nav. sysytem is conneted like with the previous SW versions. I've got some problems with the coping of the maps but I'll solve it. I think that the problem isn't with the maps. Maybe the problem is with the device in front of the nav. system / it means ME /.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help. I am glad to have such a good conversation with you guyes. I wish you all the best.
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- Senior Member
- Berichten: 14088
- Lid geworden op: 01 sep 2003 21:19
That's normal.kbros76 schreef:JW & Gerritje,
I think it was my final attempt at running the nav. sysytem. The result: finaly I could run the SW ver. 2.3 / thanks to Gerritje /, I loaded it- during the loading of SW I saw that it was writen: language version GERMAN. After the reboot of the system the language remains German. I can't change it to English when nav. sysytem is conneted like with the previous SW versions. I've got some problems with the coping of the maps but I'll solve it. I think that the problem isn't with the maps. Maybe the problem is with the device in front of the nav. system / it means ME /.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help. I am glad to have such a good conversation with you guyes. I wish you all the best.
Subsequently you have to follow the instructions as given in the manual, see my previous postings. The question there is: do you have acces to the menu as given on page 33 and 35 of the manual?
And what do you now see in the menu when you look for Systeminformation? Can you see the HW and SW versions? If yes, what is stated there?
RT4-HDD in Citroën C5 Break V6 Exclusive
Voorheen: MS 5500 met 'franse' MT 5010/01-VT en MA 1410 splitter
Vragen & antwoorden svp via het forum, niet per Prive-Bericht of E-Mail.
Voorheen: MS 5500 met 'franse' MT 5010/01-VT en MA 1410 splitter
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