[INFO] IVSC 3302 - InCar Video Signal Converter

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[INFO] IVSC 3302 - InCar Video Signal Converter

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Blaupunkt IVSC 3302


Features :
Individual control of power, source, volume, and mute functions at each monitor.
Seamlessly unites up to three independent monitor stations with up to three A/V sources.
"Plug and Play" intelligent recognition of Blaupunkt 13-pin Generation 2 monitors via network handshake process at startup.
Infrared signals processed centrally, allowing a single remote control to operate any or all of up to three monitors from any IR input.
Optional audio boost (10 dB) for low-level sources such as DVD or VHS players.
Monitor connections color-coded, and require only a single cable for left and right audio, video, composite video, control signals, and 12 VDC power. This simplifies installation, and minimizes space required for cable runs.
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