TeleAtlas komt met speciale WK-2006 CD

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Lid geworden op: 29 okt 2003 09:36

TeleAtlas komt met speciale WK-2006 CD

Bericht door Toho_NL »

Tele Atlas and MERIAN Scout are launching a navigation CD of Germany to enhance their customers’ enjoyment of the 2006 World Cup. The Football Highlight 2006 CD for TravelPilot DX systems is aimed at fans in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and, in addition to the full navigation information for Germany, is loaded with a great selection of extra information to help football fans find the right venues at the right times. Fans should find the price is right as well because at €149 it costs no more than a conventional update navigation CD.

The Football Highlight 2006 CD carries details of the stadiums, times and locations of all matches. It has more than 25.600 MERIAN Scout points of interest adapted to football tastes — making the 229 official FIFA World Cup shops, 369 sports bars and 16.162 restaurants and 1.975 fast food places easy to find. But not only football tastes are considered because the CD is also packed with general information that invites travelers to discover Germany (921 tourist attractions, 741 beer garden, 1.486 factory outlets, etc.) In addition, the CD comes with a brochure that has a chart showing matches through the full World Cup programme. Naturally this navigation CD has the complete, up-to-date digital map information expected of Tele Atlas, with complete street network and full house number information for all of Germany.

“We are delighted to be hosting the World Cup in Germany and equally pleased to enhance the enjoyment of our football-fan customers with this special edition CD,” says Laurent De Hauwere, Vice President Marketing Europe at Tele Atlas. “With all the extra information packed onto it, the Football Highlight CD is the best football coach a fan can have this summer.”

Bron: ... /TA_004822

Even kort samengevat: TeleAtlas brengt een speciale CD uit voor de TravelPilot DX-systemen waar men allerlei extra's rondom het WK heeft gedigitaliseerd (routes naar stadia, POI's van barren, kleding winkels, etc.). De CD zal €149,00 gaan kosten.


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