I want to put a backcamra to my car and i wonder with´s pig video in are. When i put in backgear i vant to see behand the car.
I only speek eng or reed ing.
back camera
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- Lid geworden op: 03 dec 2007 17:46
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- Lid geworden op: 03 okt 2004 17:14
Toyota and Lexus Navigation systemes are unsuitable for the connection of a rear camera.
You would have to buy and install an completely separate (stand alone) system.
You would have to buy and install an completely separate (stand alone) system.
Vragen & antwoorden mbt navigatie svp via het forum, niet per Privé-Bericht of E-Mail
-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
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- New Member
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- Lid geworden op: 03 dec 2007 17:46
Sorry for my english. Have no time for check my spelling.
Ar you shore abut that? do they not have a adaper to connect or from 3:e part to take in videosignal?
I want to bye a nummerplate holder with a cameralins and now that blaupunkt hav a new navi that works with back kamera. it´s be grate if it shuld work.
A frend to me have a audi and he have a stand a lone and it´s works well.
Tanks agen
Have an nice day.
Sorry for my english. Have no time for check my spelling.
Ar you shore abut that? do they not have a adaper to connect or from 3:e part to take in videosignal?
I want to bye a nummerplate holder with a cameralins and now that blaupunkt hav a new navi that works with back kamera. it´s be grate if it shuld work.
A frend to me have a audi and he have a stand a lone and it´s works well.
Tanks agen
Have an nice day.
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- Senior Member
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- Lid geworden op: 03 okt 2004 17:14
Vragen & antwoorden mbt navigatie svp via het forum, niet per Privé-Bericht of E-Mail
-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
-- Mededeling: Gerritje is op 23-03-2012 te Oosterhout overleden --
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