Nieuwsbericht: Navteq volledige dekking Scandinavië

(voorheen NavTech)
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Lid geworden op: 29 okt 2003 09:36

Nieuwsbericht: Navteq volledige dekking Scandinavië

Bericht door Toho_NL »

Zojuist gelezen op de site van Navteq:

NAVTEQ Introduces Full Coverage Map of Finland

Company Now Offers Full Coverage Maps for all Four Nordic Countries

Chicago, IL – November 8, 2004 – NAVTEQ (NYSE: NVT), a leading global provider of digital map data for vehicle navigation and location-based solutions, now has full map coverage of Finland’s road network.* This means the company now includes all four Nordic countries in its NAVTEQ database. Denmark and Sweden were the first to receive full coverage followed by Norway last year.

Now reaching virtually 100% of the population, the Finnish database includes 614,177 kilometers of road covering 304,541 square kilometers of territory and 451 towns and cities. The road network of rural counties and provinces have been added to ensure that drivers can now use navigation systems for turn-by-turn routing instructions to and from addresses all over the country.

“Launching our full coverage map of Finland and simultaneously meeting the company’s planned objective of offering full coverage throughout the Nordic region are two substantial achievements for NAVTEQ. This increased coverage is a key element in our plans to produce
maps which will support routing throughout Western and Eastern Europe,” explained John MacLeod, Executive Vice President – Global Marketing & Strategy.

But NAVTEQ data is much more than a map. It offers precise geometry and extraordinary detail about the environment as seen through the eyes of the driver. Each road segment features up to 160 attributes – street names, address ranges, turn restrictions – enabling navigation systems to help people get from A to B. There are over one million entries in 46 Points of Interest (POIs) categories covering everything from hotels to petrol stations and airports to sports facilities.

For example, coverage of the Nordics includes thousands of restaurants and hotels and hundreds of golf courses; plus the international ferry routes between the Nordic countries along with connections to the United Kingdom and Germany.

The creation and development of the database is a mammoth, global task handled by individuals at a local level. "We have around 575 geographic researchers - all using the same proprietary software and managing their own geographic areas - handling the entire process from start to finish," added John MacLeod. "This means consistency and continuity are guaranteed - and the update process is quicker. Constantly driving the roads of the world, the researchers travel millions of kilometers every year creating, updating and inputting every detail into the database. "

* Due to the highly complex process involved in compiling and integrating NAVTEQ maps into navigation systems and location-based solutions, it may take up to one year for consumers to have access to these new maps for their navigation solutions.

Bron: ... newsId=293

Voor de mensen die niet zo goed in Engels zijn: Navteq heeft nu alle vier de Scandinavische landen voor 99,9% gedigitaliseerd. Dat wil zeggen: routebegeleiding van deur tot deur in Denemarken, Zweden, Noorwegen (sinds vorig jaar 99,9% gedigitaliseerd) en Finland. Ook heeft men de ferries erop staan. Het kan echter, door een ingewikkeld proces van het integreren van de kaarten op de CD's en DVD's, maximaal ongeveer een jaar duren voordat de klanten beschikking hebben over deze nieuwste kaarten. "Even" afwachten dus om te kijken wat de producenten doen (en wanneer ze uitleveren).


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Berichten: 2525
Lid geworden op: 29 okt 2003 09:36

Bericht door Toho_NL »

Dit topic mag natuurlijk ook gesloten worden (om zo de overzichtelijkheid erin te houden ;)). Het lijkt anders namelijk of er nog een hele berg open staat (terwijl al bijna alles is verholpen).


MS5700 (HERE 2013/2014) + TMC-box MT5011 + antennesplitter MA1410 + Arat mount VW T4 + Arat mount VDO Dayton MS5700!

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